In February of 2017, Jan Barnes enlisted the musical skills of Barry Betts as an ukulele
teacher with the intention to offer free “learn to play the uke” lessons to the community.
Jan began the process to purchase ukuleles via a grant. With the assistance of the
Wallaceburg and District Council for the Arts ukuleles were purchased and classes
began in January of 2018 and over 300 individuals participated. The WADUKES were
created from this group of people that Barry’s skill had touched.
In 2022, Barry retired and Jan now continues to teach the free classes with
administrative assistance from Jeannette Matak. The WADUKES continue to grow and
perform throughout the community.
Practices are held Monday mornings at 10:00 am at Community Fellowship Baptist
Church, 1308 Elgin Street, Wallaceburg. New members are always welcome.
The WADUKES are extremely grateful for all of the community support through
donations, sponsorships and grants received to purchase ukuleles and needed