April 2023 Art Show and Open House

April 2023 Art Show and Open House

The Wallaceburg and District Council for the Arts is pleased to be showcasing the talent of local artists during the month of April at the Wallaceburg and District Museum. The WDCA has been promoting community artists through various events over the past 43 years. Come and enjoy our collection of artwork at the museum by artists such as Sally Mahoney, Beverly Fish, Hank Jagt and Spencer Thornton just to name a few.

You are also invited to our Open House at the museum on April 19, 2023 from 7-9pm. We are very pleased to be featuring local artists Martha Sands, Gretchen Sand-Gamble and Sunny Gamble. Come and see their Fibre Art as well as a collection that goes back six generations. You can find Gretchen, Martha and Sunny on Instagram @WoodlandCraftBarn and @Pretty.Little.Schoolhouse, as well as on Facebook at Woodland Craft Barn. Give them a follow to find out about what they’re working on and any upcoming classes and workshops.